1 Hour of Participatory MCLE Credit
11:30 am -Noon Check In and Bring-Your-Own-Lunch
noon – 1:00 pm Presentation
John Wierzbicki,
a Witkin Legal Institute director, will present on the most significant civil cases decided by the California Supreme Court from 2018-2019, as selected by the Institute’s legal editors.
The materials accompanying the program contain case analysis created by the Institute’s editors, which has been schemed according to the Witkin publications’ taxonomy for ease of reference.
About the Speaker:
John Wierzbicki, heads up the legal educational activities of the Witkin Institute, which creates and sponsors legal programs and professional activities throughout California. He also manages a team of attorneys and other professionals responsible for the writing and producing of Witkin’s California Library: Summary of California Law, 11th ed., California Procedure, 5th ed., California Evidence, 5th ed., and California Criminal Law, 4th ed. John writes on the topics of constitutional law, contracts, civil trials and taxation.
Before joining the Institute in March 2018, John was editorial director for some of Thomson Reuters’ most prestigious U.S. legal publications, including Black’s Law Dictionary, American Law Reports, American Jurisprudence, and Corpus Juris Secundum. He also managed its author relationship and contracts department. Prior to that, John was an associate with Berliner Cohen in San Jose. He is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley (B.A.), Georgetown University (J.D.), and the University of Virginia (M.A.).
The Witkin Legal Institute was founded by Bernie E. Witkin before his death to carry forward his legacy of outstanding scholarship and service to the California bench and bar. It is dedicated to helping make the law understandable for lawyers and those whom they serve
The Alameda County Law Library is a multiple activity provider approved by the state bar of California.
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