Support the Law Library
Alameda County Law Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN 94-6000109
Attorneys, law firms, community members and organizations can help the Law Library expand access to legal information – and access to justice – by making a tax-deductible donation the Alameda County Law Library.
You can chose to apply your donation to a specific Donor Fund: Extended Hours, Legal Databases, Books, or Public Programming. Detailed descriptions of these funds are available on our Donor Funds page.
Please see the Sponsorship Levels below for more information about the many benefits of giving.
$25 -249
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.
$250 - 499
- Complimentary ticket to Annual Witkin Symposium
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.
$500 - 2499
- Donors’ Lunch with Library Director
- Logo displayed on Library “Sponsor Page”
- Complimentary ticket to Annual Witkin Symposium
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.
$2500 - 4999
- Silver Plaque on Donor Wall – 3.5″ x 6″
- Donors’ Lunch with Library Director
- Logo displayed on Library “Sponsor Page”
- Complimentary ticket to Annual Witkin Symposium
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.
$5000 - 19999
- Bronze Plaque on Donor Wall – 3.5 x 6″
- Donors’ Lunch with Library Director
- Logo displayed on Library “Sponsor Page”
- Complimentary ticket to Annual Witkin Symposium
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.
- Naming Rights- Meeting Room or Book Stack
- Bronze Plaque on Donor Wall – 3.5″ x 6″
- Donors’ Lunch with Library Director
- Logo displayed on Library “Sponsor Page”
- Complimentary ticket to Annual Witkin Symposium
- Recognition in Law Library eNews
- 501(c)(3) Tax Deduction
- Support ACLL’s mission to provide equitable access to legal information.