Reference Services

Reference Assistance Policy (In-Person)

The Reference Desk, located on the first floor of the library, is staffed by a team of professional reference librarians and paraprofessionals. Reference staff can help patrons define research questions and use the library’s print and electronic materials. We assist patrons in-person, by phone and via email.

Reference staff cannot act as attorneys and are prohibited from giving legal advice or engaging in any activity which might constitute the unauthorized practice of law (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 6125).

Library patrons may not solicit library staff or other patrons for legal advice or assistance, or monopolize staff time with unreasonable or excessive requests, as determined by library staff. Monopolizing staff time and attention to the detriment of service to other library users is not permitted.


Reference Staff CAN:
  • Tell you where items are located in the library
  • Help you understand legal citations
  • Suggest specific titles, databases, resources, websites or areas of the collection for your question
  • Show you how a set of books is organized and indexed to find a specific topic or keyword
  • Show you how to use the library catalog, subscription legal databases and legal websites
  • Photocopy, fax, or email you a specific citation for a fee through our fee-based document delivery service
  • Refer you to another library if our library does not have what you need
  • Refer you to legal assistance organizations in the area
  • Give you the telephone numbers for bar associations’ lawyer referral services and show you attorney directories
Reference Staff CANNOT:
  • Interpret or explain the meaning of the law, regulations, court cases, or any other documents
  • Give legal advice, offer procedural guidance, or state opinions on legal issues
  • Advise you of your legal rights or recommend a particular course of action
  • Answer questions about statutes of limitation or court deadlines
  • Help you prepare or complete a legal form
  • Select specific forms for you
  • Conduct in-depth legal research for you
  • Recommend a particular lawyer
  • Tell you who has a particular book checked out
  • Tell you whether a statute or case is still good law or has been overruled
  • Make phone calls at your request, or on your behalf
  • Honor court issued fee-waivers for fee-based library services

Reference Assistance Policy (By Telephone)

We provide limited reference assistance to library patrons by telephone. Due to the volume of reference requests, time spent with individuals over the phone must be limited to approximately 5-10 minutes per interaction. The library is unable to accommodate requests for assistance by a particular staff member.

In-person requests for service receive priority over telephone requests.


Over the Phone, Reference Staff CAN:
  • Search our catalog to see if the library has a particular title or resource
  • Suggest library books, databases, and websites you might consult
  • Find telephone numbers, addresses, and websites for bar associations, libraries, legal publishers, state and federal government agencies, courts, legislative bodies and similar organizations
  • Read brief portions of statutes, regulations, court rules, and legal definitions (limit 1-2 short paragraphs)
  • Photocopy, fax, or email you a case, rule, statute, jury instruction, or definition with a specific citation for a fee through our fee-based document delivery service
  • Refer you to legal assistance organizations in the area
  • Refer you to the bar associations’ lawyer referral services


Over the Phone, Reference Staff CANNOT:
  • Conduct in-depth legal research for you
  • Interpret the law, offer procedural guidance, state opinions on legal issues, or give you legal advice
  • Advise you of your legal rights or recommend a particular course of action
  • Answer questions about statutes of limitation or court deadlines
  • Help you prepare or complete a legal form
  • Read cases, or sections of statutes, court rules, or definitions to you over the phone that exceed 1-2 short paragraphs in length
  • Recommend a particular attorney
  • Return long distance calls