
Alameda County Law Library


Alameda County Law Library

125 12th St, Oakland, CA 94607

Oakland, CA, US, 94607

1.5 Hours of Participatory MCLE Credit

11:30 am -Noon Check In and Bring-Your-Own-Lunch
noon – 1:30 pm Presentation


Oakland and Berkeley have some of the most complex sets of rules and regulations governing residential rental housing in the Bay Area. There are many similarities between the two cities, but there are also important differences. Knowing which rules apply to which city are important for advising both landlords and tenants. Learn about:


  • Which units are covered under rent control and eviction protections (and what’s changed since the last election)

  • What you need to know about evictions, including owner move-ins

  • Staying in compliance with the Rent Review Boards

  • How this year’s Legislative bills could change the rental housing landscape
    Speaker: Krista C. Gulbransen, Executive Director, Berkeley Rental Housing Coalition
    Krista Gulbransen

The Alameda County Law Library is a multiple activity provider approved by the state bar of California.